"The Most Dangerous Writing App" Day 1

 I have decided that every Friday I will do 2 prompts with 2 different stories of each prompt on "The Most Dangerous Writing App". This is an online program that will delete your writing if you stop writing for more than five seconds. The program has 5-minute sessions, and if you write for 5 minutes without stopping at one time for more than 5 seconds, you are able to download and keep what you wrote. Please forgive any grammar or spelling errors in these short stories. I went back after finishing each 5 min session to try and fix any major ones Grammarly was spitting at me, but it may have not picked up all of them. These stories are also just as they were written in a quick 5-minute session, with no after-refining besides spelling and grammar. Feedback is also welcome! Please comment with any advice or constructive criticism you have! if you would like me to try to take any story you see further, also comment on that! Enjoy!. 
Prompt One (P1): "He could hear everything, but he dare not open his eyes..."

P1 Story 1:He could hear everything, but dare not open his eyes. the cold air breezed over his body, making him shiver. The castle had drafts galore. No wonder he was freezing every night he camped out here. But that didn't matter now. Light seeped under the hidden door, as he realized he must go. NOW. Finally, he burst into the room. A Fierce battle raged on. and in the center, she stood. Her eyes were fierce with a vicious delight. She was getting the revenge she deserved. Revenge for her family being killed by these very same rebels 10 years ago. The girl swirled around to face me. Her eyes were filled with not only the fierceness I had spotted before but something else. a hint of remorse. it was as if she was wondering if these rebels, though killers, had families, husbands, wives, and children that they would never see again. Regardless, the girl and her small army fought on. As I joined them, battling them from entering the rest of the castle, so that the girl, the heir to the royal family, could finally rest in peace. Knowing she had avenged the murders of her family. The battle roared on, the coldness that had swept into my pores earlier disappearing as the heat of the battle got to me. 

P1 Story 2: He could hear everything, but dare not open his eyes for he did not want to see the destruction that he had brought. He did not want to see the evilness that somehow had come and captured him. He sat silent, in his own head. Jacob, the prince of this kingdom, was now in a dungeon, as screams and evil laughs echoed. People were being tortured. Finally, he realized. he was the heir to his kingdom. The kingdom that had been fighting the rebels and their demons since the murder of the rest of the royal family years ago. He, Jacob was not only a prince but a king, only uncrowned. He opened his eyes. Jacob knew something now, he knew whatever the cost of his own person, he would fight with all his might. Fight the evil that most of his once prosperous kingdom had succumbed to. He smiled, looking around and seeing that the guard who had captured him and his accomplices had made a mistake. The keys were lying on the only bench in the vicinity. Right outside the bars. too far for an arm's length, but not far enough for what Jacob knew he could do. He closed his eyes again, focusing on the keys. He focused on the way they were on the bench, untouched for at least a few days. Had they been here that long. Finally, with a final push, he used his mind to pull the keys up into the air and fling them into his cell.

Prompt 2: It was just one night. 

P2 Story 1: It was just for one night. It is just for one night. JUST ONE NIGHT! I kept telling myself as I lay rigidly in the small bed next to him. We had been traveling together for weeks, but of course, the only inn that we could find had to only have one bed per room. This quest was turning out to be a lot more trouble than its worth. Why should we go out trying to find a weird thingamabob from a prophecy if this is what I have to endure? Finally, I drifted to sleep. The next morning I woke to be alone. I rolled over and checked. The other side of the bed where Alex had slept was cold as if he had left hours ago. I jolted out of bed. "Alex?" I yelled into the obviously empty room. He couldn't have gone far, as his stuff was still in the room. I jumped out of bed and ran over to the window. I gasped at the sight. The little town we had stayed in was burning. How had I slept through this? Screams, terrible screams were now all that I could hear as the little town burned around me.

P2 Story 2: It was just for one night is what she said the night my best friend was murdered. Kasey Andrews died 3 nights ago, at a beach party, where we were supposed to be camping out together to celebrate our high school graduation. It was just three of us, me, Marie Kopecky, Lily Jones, and her Kasey Andrews. I know three things. 1. It wasan't suicide. Why? Because the doctors said she went to sleep and just never woke up. But they also said it was not any heart attack or underlying medical condition. 2. She was stabbed. I know this because I woke up in a pool of her blood. The knife was still in her. (I also know the police don't have the knife, because I well, took it out of her and then hid it. 3. The killer was smart. Whoever he or she is, they didn't leave any hints as to who they are. No fingerprints, footprints, or anything. But this will be solved. The police may have decided to give up, Kasey's parents may have decided to give up, and even Lily may have decided to give up. All I know is I will solve her murder. I will not let my best friend not rest in peace. I will solve the murder and I might as well document everything here as I do it. -Maria Kopecky

From Royal revenge to Murder mysteries, these were certainly some fun prompts! I hope you enjoyed reading them and come back next Friday for more fun stories, but keep coming back to see more book reviews before then! 


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