Once a King (Ever the Hunted Series book 3): Written by Erin Summerill (Slight spoilers for first two books)

Once a King, the third and final book in the exhilarating Clash of Kingdoms series written by Erin Summerill was the perfect ending to the story. 

Summary of Once A King

Aodren: A lonely, young king, searching for a way to dismantle his father’s dark legacy.

Lirra: A girl with the power to control the wind, torn between duty and following her dreams

For twenty years, Channelers—women with a magical ability—have been persecuted in Malam by those without magic. Now King Aodren wants to end the bloody divide and unite his kingdom. But decades of hatred can’t be overcome by issuing decrees, and rumors of a deadly Channeler-made substance are only fueling people’s fears. Lirra has every reason to distrust Aodren. Yet when he asks for help to discover the truth behind the rumors, she can’t say no. With Lirra by his side, Aodren sees a way forward for his people. But can he rewrite the mistakes of the past before his enemies destroy the world he’s working so hard to rebuild?

 My Review of Once a King

Once a King was quite an amazing story, but it was not needed to have full closure of the main conflict in the series. Once a king has the feel of a spin-off story, and I don't think really must be read to finish out the series with a bang. Otherwise, Once a King has an intriguing plot that does fit with the first two books. It has a good story and good characters. Once a King does feel as if it goes by very, very fast. Although it is obvious through the story that it takes place over a few weeks, it feels short, as if all the events occurred just within 1 or 2 days. 

Final Thoughts:

Final Thoughts:
Age  Recommendation: 11+
Trigger Warnings: Violence, Death, Romance
Romance Level: 1.5/5
Tropes: Friends to Lovers
Cover Aesthetics: 4.5/5
Overall Rating: 3.5/5
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